21-22 February 2017, Dubai CYMASS 2017 Security Conference is aimed at high-level decision makers around the globe seeking expert guidance on securing places of mass gathering via traditional methods and integrating effective cyber security frameworks. Presented by Emirates Security Group and Austability, the inaugural conference will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in February […]
8 – 9 November 2016, Abu Dhabi Invaluable network and security experts from around the world at ADIPEC.
14 September 2016 – Sydney 28 September 2016 – Melbourne 26 October 2016 – Perth At the recent EEAA 2016 Leaders Forum, keynote speaker, Craig Sheridan APM, presented an insider’s view of the current security, terror threat and risk climate, and how we can be prepared and respond. Due to high demand from Members, and […]
September 22 and 23 2016 – Sunshine Coast Queensland Inspiration, Operation and Communication Presenting: Event Security in Today’s Climate “In this session, we’ll hear from Craig Sheridan one of Australia’s leading experts on security for major events. He will outline the current threat levels, present an overview of “modern” terrorism and importantly address how to […]
Aug 2 -3 2016 – Dubai Presenting: Critical Incident Command and Control DP World Workshop showing the importance of teamwork and communication throughout the Critical Incident process.
8-9 June 2016, Melbourne LEADERS TO GATHER FOR GLOBAL EXHIBITIONS DAY AND EEAA AGM Craig Sheridan APM presenting; Security – preparation and response. An insider’s view of the current security, terror threat and risk climate. Brief: EEAA Members are responsible for organising and hosting around 500 events per year in venues across the country. How […]
24 – 25 May 2016, Aberdeen SCOTLAND Craig Sheridan APM presenting; Understanding Today’s Security Panorama: What Measures Should Now Be in Place in Light of the Real Terrorist Threat We All Face.
16 May 2016, Brisbane Craig Sheridan APM Presenting: Safety and Security: Mass Gatherings and Business. An overview to be provided of the current security environment in Australia and how it impacts on places of mass Gatherings PANELIST: Safety & Security: Mass Gatherings and Business – 1. To provide an overview of the current security climate and why it […]
12 May 2016, Sydney Craig Sheridan APM presenting, What’s Your Biggest Threat? Crisis Management
15 – 16 March 2016, Sydney Craig Sheridan APM presenting; Delivering secure major events in the current threat environment Understanding the differences in security planning and organising a major sporting event between now and the past Analysing the changes for Australian police and event organisers and how we might adapt in the future Examining the […]