Sheridan Consulting Group is working with Bayside Council providing important services including, ANZAC Day Event Risk Assessments, COVIDSafe Risk Assessments and planning along with HVM planning for their Pre-ANZAC Day March in association with Mascot RSL and their Anzac Day Memorial Dawn Service in association with Botany RSL.
Sheridan Consulting Group is proud to working with Yours and Owls providing consulting services on security, emergency and COVIDSafe planning for NSW Health Approval and the return of outdoor events.
Sheridan Consulting Group is proud to be working with Mothership Events assisting in the development of COVIDSafe planning for Government approval and the return of events.
Sheridan Consulting proud to partner with SGLMG 2021 ensuring a safe and successful event. Sheridan Consulting provided Security, Hostile Vehicle Management, Risk, Covid Safe and Emergency Management Services for the event.
Sheridan Consulting Group continues to work closely with Australia’s leading food and beverage production organisations providing Security Assessment and improved Security culture.
Sheridan Consulting is proud to deliver Covid Safety Planning, Security and Hostile Vehicle Management planning for Sydney’s iconic SGLMG Parade at the SCG in 2021.