Sheridan Consulting working with the Art Gallery of NSW providing Security Risk Assessment for the recently completed Art Garden between the AGNSW and Sydney Modern.
Sheridan is very proud to work again on these great shows on the Eastern Coast.
Sheridan is proud to work on the Chapel Street Festival, an iconic event, providing Emergency Management documentation, exercising and Event Day Chief Warden duties.
Sheridan was proud to work with Untitled Group on Dom Dolla Melbourne Shows providing Risk and Emergency Management documentation, along with Event Day Chief and Deputy Warden duties in the ECC.
Sheridan is proud to work with and assist Metro Trains Sydney with facilitating their internal NYE All agency exercise
Sheridan Consulting group was proud to work with Premiers Department in facilitating the Sydney NYE All agency exercise at the NSW Police Force Command Development Unit at Parramatta HQ
Sheridan is proud to be working with TfNSW on the exciting Sydney Western Gateway project providing a range of risk and security management services
Sheridan is proud to be providing Security Risk Assessment and Strategy for the new project in Roma Street Parklands.
Sheridan Consulting is very proud to play a role in Emergency Management preparedness for close to 300,000 people in attendance during the week.
Sheridan Consulting is very proud to work with Canva providing Risk, Crowd and Traffic Management services.